Friday, March 13, 2009

Critter Spottings

Rocky the Squirrel

Hungry the Deer

The Hungry Family

Chick-a-Dee-Dee the Chick-a-Dee

Pygmy the Nuthatcher

Junky the Rocky Mountain Junco

Rocky the Squirrel and Hairy the Woodpecker

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Ice Falls

Not too far from where we live is a waterfall.

By this time of year, the water has frozen in mid-suspension.

Dusty has carefully walked across the ice to pose in this amazing formation of nature.

I'm sure this waterfall is beautiful all year, but there is something pristine about the frozen cascade.

Near the waterfall, colonies of moss and lichens sprawl across giant granite boulders.

The aspen trees sleep peacefully, awaiting the warmth of spring.

Milky quartz rocks are abundant in this area.

Blue Spruce and other breeds dot the landscape as the most prominent vegetation, making our mountain community green all year round.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Magnificent Views

There's something a bit wild about living up here. Taking this curvy mountain road home in the mornings makes us feel so ... free.

On the way up, you will see these historical place markers:

Can you see Kansas way out there?

On most days we swear it's so clear that we can see Kansas! By staring out there for a long time we can pick out the water tower in Security, landmarks downtown, and the bran new monolithic hospital on the far northeast side of "The Springs" (what we locals call Colorado Springs).

It rarely ever happens here, but one particularly foggy morning we left work as the sun was rising and looked down from our curvy mountain road to see this:

Quite a sight!! The clouds covering The Springs looked like they were boiling the people down there alive! Judging by their grumpy foggy-morning attitudes, I knew that not many of them realized there was a blue sky just a thousand feet above them.

Just one of the benefits of working nights and living on a mountain, I suppose. ;)

Now, driving down Crystal Park Road at night on our way to work is "like driving through space" to borrow my husband's description. Indeed, the view at night will be tricky to catch with my camera but it's something I plan to attempt.