Sunday, October 25, 2009

As the sun goes down

This picture was taken yesterday from Gog Rock, above Manitou Springs.  The sun was setting behind us.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I just have to bring this up...

Have you ever heard of "parkour"?

The urban gymnastics movement?

Sometimes called free running, or wall jumping?

Well, wonder no more and watch in awe:

The Next Ten Years

I was having a conversation with my sister about how time seems to slip away faster now that we are grownups.

In the child and teen stages of life, the days never go fast enough.  Christmas is too far away.  We're not old enough to drive yet.  Life is constricted in a way that makes minutes feel like days, and months feel like decades.

At the end of this day, I will find myself winding down next to the fire after the busy blur of school, homework, chores.
I will ponder on what I've accomplished, over what still needs to be done.  What will I do tomorrow?  And the next day?  And whatabout next year?  In my life, will I get to do everything I want to do?  Realistically, there can't be time for everything in one lifetime.

Wisepeople say that setting both long and short term goals is a great way to get the most meaningful things done.  As for long term, I think a decade's a fair amount of time to look forward to.  In ten years, it's very likely that you can become an expert at something special.  As long as you put the effort into it, and care about it enough to practice every day.

Have you given it some thought?  What do you hope to accomplish in the next ten years?  Now that we're grownups, ten years will fly faster than ever before.  In my next decade, I hope to develop my writing skills, take some trips to other countries, become fluent in Spanish, get healthier, and get a better camera.  I think these are worthy goals for the next ten years.