Thursday, November 22, 2012

"These are a few of my favorite things..."

Each year I compile a list of 100 things that make me happy. I think it's appropriate to publish this list around Thanksgiving, even though it aways takes a few weeks to compile. I don't look back to previous year's lists because I want to ensure that each list reflects my thoughts at this unique moment.

  1. Being married to my best friend
  2. Spending time with him ^
  3. Making music
  4. Fluffy kitties
  5. Sunny days
  6. Autumn
  7. Walking
  8. Singing
  9. Laughing
  10. Anthropology
  11. Window shopping
  12. Trying new things
  13. Jazz
  14. Stretching 
  15. Getting stuff done
  16. Making lists
  17. Socializing
  18. Walking barefoot on high pile carpet
  19. Walking alone in the woods
  20. Brown noise
  21. Quilting
  22. Detective shows
  23. House plants
  24. Stickers
  25. Stepping on autumn leaves
  26. The Beatles
  27. Setting goals
  28. Learning
  29. Photography
  30. Pumpkins
  31. Residential architecture
  32. Fluffy socks
  33. Rich and sensual body butter
  34. Organizing
  35. Warm colors
  36. Campfire
  37. Clean floors
  38. Freshly washed cotton
  39. Researching
  40. Hot baths
  41. Clean teeth
  42. Snow
  43. Browsing real estate listings
  44. Clean sheets
  45. Whistling 
  46. Micro-lending 
  47. A fluffy down duvet
  48. Self-improvement
  49. Fireplaces
  50. Reading a good book
  51. Good hair days
  52. Pretty throw pillows
  53. Jogging in the rain
  54. Receiving compliments
  55. Having a clear complexion 
  56. Birding
  57. Designing, building, and decorating Sims houses
  58. Playing piano
  59. Hoodie weather
  60. Journaling
  61. Playing the Sims Legacy Challenge
  62. Parades (preferably with marching bands) 
  63. Hosting friends and family in our home
  64. Composing music
  65. Trying new foods
  66. Decorating for Christmas
  67. Fireflies
  68. Art museums
  69. Science museums
  70. Botanical gardens
  71. Canoeing
  72. Dancing 
  73. Getting better at stuff
  74. Filing things away in orderly fashion
  75. Playing guitar
  76. Sewing
  77. Seeing and being a part of musical performances
  78. Traveling to new places
  79. Genealogy research
  80. Indexing
  81. Chocolate
  82. Learning new things
  83. Berries on the trees in autumn
  84. Having a clean kitchen
  85. Returning home to Colorado
  86. Wind chimes
  87. Starbuck's Passion tea
  88. Fresh vegetables 
  89. Getting A's on my assignments 
  90. Smiling
  91. Discovering "new" music 
  92. Being recognized for my efforts
  93. Recognizing my own efforts 
  94. When BluRay has a Green Mouse Day 
  95. Ironed sheets
  96. Christmas lights
  97. Browsing home decorating magazines
  98. Online shopping
  99. Putting my feet up after a long day
  100. Shoulder massages