Friday, August 15, 2008

Poor Laptop...


This is our 2nd computer, the one I take to work with me, the one I play the Sims and do my homework on, the one we take to bed with us...

And it's no longer working.

This computer came with us to Mexico! It was used only once while we were there, and that was to empty the contents from the SD card after I took so many pictures of birds and reptiles and flowers...

Our apartment flooded AGAIN (like it does periodically) - leaving the laptop needing a new motherboard, and making us really anxious to move out of here.


Okay... Dusty reminded me after reading this post that the laptop still "works" per say, but I don't count Safe Mode as "working normally" because I can't save any documents, play any games, view any pictures, or listen to any sounds. We ordered a motherboard off eBay and it should be arriving any day now... then it's surgery time for ye old laptop!

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