This began as a reply to an email I was writing to my Mom.
As you probably know, I too am disappointed with the choice of Americans for our next president. I'm not happy with Obama, las Obammunistas, or las Obammunistadores. Thus begins my very long rant concerning the current state of things (you may need to take a day off to read this entire thing... it's become more like a personal Declaration or Manifesto regarding what the Government should be responsible for, and how the way things are currently going is providing less incentive for people to work and more incentive for all of us to be lazy). Obama claims to have a plan for everyone! How pretty his words are. Only time will prove the worth of his words. But I have no interest in supporting expensive ideals which will only make my life harder as a taxpayer and as someone who wishes to get ahead. We
should have a government, and ours is undeniably broken, so what definite plan does Barack Obama really have to fix it? So far, I haven't heard any reasonable ideas, just expensive ideals.
Firstly, I believe it is a bad idea to redistribute wealth on any terms except for paying reasonable taxes to provide for: disabled people and unwanted children, for public services like building and maintaining roads and parks, for funding courthouses and prisons, and our nation's costly military protection. What Americans in particular seem to determine
necessity is considered
luxury in most of the rest of the world. It is a fact that the taxpayers, i.e. the working class, always take the brunt of the cost for all social programs. Let us eliminate the unnecessary size of the police forces, encourage that every citizen be armed, and eliminate all public schools (or completely re-haul the curriculum to require militia training), require that hospitals and other social services rely only on private funds to operate. Let us eliminate all pools where corruption breeds.
Secondly, I don't care how someone becomes wealthy. All I am concerned with is that
I wish to be wealthy and I'm working to get there. There are those who say I should be ashamed for wanting to live without financial worry. But I am not ashamed, nor should I be. I am not interested in living from paycheck to paycheck for the rest of my life out of "fairness" to those who have less than I do. Doesn't everyone wish to at least live comfortably and to hope for a better future? This is what drives me, and is the only reason why I work hard and make plans for the future. My quality of life has improved over the years and will continue to do so according to plan should I suffer no major setbacks. My determination is incited only by my needs and wants. It's really that simple. I should not be held accountable or made responsible for those who have less than I do. Let the responsibility and accountability rest with each individual within mental and physical capacity.
Thirdly, what kind of nation are we leaving behind for our children, a nation of whiny idealists who think life is supposed to be fair? Because life is never fair. Equality and Equal Rights are worthy ideals, but impossible to fully guarantee without a Big Brother style of government.
Merit should be the only deciding factor of success. But by using the word "should," I am implying the statement is an ideal, and ideals are not realities. In fact, depending upon birthright, mental or physical capacity, time and place, and any other number of variables, opportunities are not the same for every person even in the best circumstances. Merit does not always guarantee immediate success. Everyone will experience limitations and hardships from day to day, so the outcome of a situation will vary with the way each situation is dealt. Let us teach our future generations how to be thoughtful and careful in their actions, but not by teaching that America is a bad place or that American Capitalist ideals are wrong. How about some lessons in planning and prioritizing?
This leads me to my final point, which goes along with my beliefs on the meaning of life. Conflict is necessary for Human Society to flourish. Society has and will create burdenous people within itself simply by propelling those ideals which are disastrous to the very conflict that is necessary for human society to flourish. Life is a bloody struggle. Conflict is everything. Humans rely on conflict for all that we desire and all that we need, for all that we wish to change, for everything that we define as good or bad and all that's in between. We are in constant confrontation 100% of the time that we are alive. While doing business with one another, on every local and international level there is conflict. We are doing battle within our minds all day and even in our sleep. It is by way of Nature that those who have no wish to act in a struggle will become a
burden or a
slave to the Society. So, it becomes the Society's responsibility to take care of such inactive people by enslaving them or undergoing change to meet the needs of those who are fighting. Let us give the people something to fight for to prevent them from becoming slaves or burdens. Let us get rid of discriminatory and non-inspiring programs like Affirmative Action and Welfare, because these programs create slave-like dependency on a structure that is imperfect and always at risk for corruption.
In conclusion, I believe the only people who have a right to be exempt from being shot are those with no power to help themselves, going back to my first paragraph, the mentally and physically disabled and underage orphans are exempt. The elderly are not included in these exemptions because I believe they must make arrangements for their old age while in their youth. The way things are going now, Dusty and I might just be better off throwing in our hats and giving up our desires to have no financial worries. If we had no income, we could get free medical care, free housing, free groceries, and free tuition. For reporting our honest income, we must pay the health department the same amount as we would pay a private doctor for the same services.
...and that ends the 1st Draft of my Manifesto.
Comments are greatly welcome.