Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Holiday Rut : Identifying What's New

I seem to have resolutions all year. But around the New Year, I always look forward to what the next twelve months will bring in the way of new experiences and learning opportunities.

Even though the date has changed, there isn't a whole lot of difference in my goals or my daily activities. Or is there?

ʘ I am scheduled to give another Toastmasters speech in a few days.

ʘ My sister and nephew are living with us indefinitely.

ʘ I'm beginning to chip away at my last math class with the help of a tutor.

ʘ I've been escaping into the Sims 2 a lot more often because it's just so fun.

ʘ We are moving into our first home at the end of this month.

It seems that I enjoy very much being in control of situations. Which is why I become frustrated when people ask for my help but don't want to take my advice. Which is why I react somewhat angrily over obviously self-inflicted patterns of victimization. Which is what I have noticed in myself a long time ago and since have been struggling to break the bad habit.

Communication is something we all need to be working on. Perhaps this is one of my New Years resolutions. Perhaps better getting my advice out in the open will help me feel like it's being considered. Perhaps 2009 is a year of improvement, like every year.

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