Saturday, February 14, 2009

It's Finally Happened!

We closed on our home, finally! We are currently living in a sea of boxes, but slowly getting everything unpacked. It's hard to believe we live in such a paradise. We've been taking lots of nature hikes, meeting the neighbors, and sleeping peacefully. All of those years we spent in that little basement apartment are but a memory...

I like to tell people: "...yea, we got so tired of being flooded out in that basement that we moved 2000 feet up!!"

We are forever grateful to our families for helping with that move. We couldn't have done it without you!

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Our closing date was PUSHED BACK AGAIN! But... I can find the good in it, so I remind myself that because of this delay, we will have an extra week to pack and clean.

In the meantime, I have a math class to keep me busy (which is VERY important because it's the last class I need to graduate from PPCC). And, in addition to schoolwork, I have been creating a resume and searching for new job opportunities. I am tired of my current job, it's boring and low-paying, and I've gained 40 lbs from sitting at this desk all night long. I'm not joking, I'm crying.

I've been stressing. I need a distraction.

As a big white snow cloud was descending over Colorado Springs this morning, I forced my husband and little sister on a hike in the newest and largest city park, the Red Rock Canyon Open Space. We took an hour and hiked a little over a mile. By the end of the hour, my companions were no longer grumbling. Cracking the whip seemed to help.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Crushing on Craftsman

I'm addicted to the calm smooth lines and practical uses of the Arts & Crafts or Craftsman style.

Bringing the outside in is essential.

I love the rustic and historical appeal.

I am soothed by the use of natural elements like wood and stone.

I'll be using this early 20th century decor as inspiration for our new home.