Monday, April 27, 2009

A reason to thank big media?

Our modern big-name all-day-long news networks...

Fox, CNN, etc... are never benign.

They stay busy reporting the horrific, gruesome, shocking, and tragic events unfolding anywhere they can get a reporter to. They heighten our fears and raise our awareness of the ugly side of human nature and most terrifying natural disasters. They lend credence to those who wish to believe human behavior and nature's occurrences have "never been this bad."

Today, the swine-bird flu originating in Mexico is the top story on every network. Thanks to the aggressive nature of the modern media, every nation in the world has quickly responded to this event. What might have been a deadly pandemic, if we hadn't been aware soon enough, is being contained before it has a chance to spread.

Imagine how long it might have taken for us to discover its origins if we did not have 24/hr communication around the world...

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