Sunday, May 31, 2009

A Little Project

I used simple supplies found at Wal-Mart

to transform this kitchen window...

...into this!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Friday, May 29, 2009

Rocky Mountain Springtime

We've gotten a lot of rain lately. Last week, almost every day it rained (and it's sprinkling a little right now, actually). As a result, the ground is becoming greener by the day.

This picture was taken while on a hike up yonder hill. My camera takes really good closeups. These tiny plants are growing out of a cut tree stump by a creek.

Another image from the same hike. The meadows are filling out nicely.

My husband looks so handsome getting ready for work.

The waterfalls are the most humid places around here. This one is the same waterfall pictured here just 2 months ago.

I'm working on building a garden bed in the front of our house.

I've planted Columbines,

And Cat Nip.

This is what it looks like today:

I've scattered wildflower seeds and lined the border with treasures found on our hikes. We have a very short growing season up here, so I'm experimenting this year.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Amazing A Capella!!

Wow-ee WOW!!



...and a whole mess of doggy-bags

How do you [with sanity intact] shop and cook for one and two people? I'm thinking of my sisters and friends who live alone; and childless couples like my parents, and ourselves. Cooking for one and two is a real challenge, especially when trying to use up fresh ingredients and refrigerated leftovers before they go bad. It doesn't help that in most grocery stores it's cheaper per pound to buy one humongous bag of carrots over one lone carrot. And why can't I find a 6-pack of cage-free eggs anywhere? I always have to buy twelve.

It would make a lot of sense if we gathered our smaller households together for weekly meals, to share menu ideas and food surplus, especially since Americans throw away half the food they grow. Honestly, food is something we all have to stop and consider throughout our busy days, so why not make it a bigger priority to manage our food better? If not for the health of the world, think of it as an investment in our physical well-being. Both are great reasons.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Top of the World

It is necessary to do a lot of exploring, since we have national forestland surrounding our neighborhood.

There is a place the locals call Gog & Magog, although I'm not sure how it gets its name. Gog and Magog are found in several ancient folk traditions, referenced as being giants or supernatural beings or the respected lands of these creatures.

Our Gog & Magog is located north-west of Manitou Springs, at the base of Cameron's Cone.

We plan on hiking up Cameron Cone when we have the same days off again.

The BIG ANNOUNCEMENT on a Lifestyle Change

The blue cap and gown; a tassel swaying in my face... The lights shining in my eyes; walking across the stage; fidgeting through long speeches; getting my picture taken a thousand times like a celebrity... The grasping of the president's hand as I am awarded my Associate of Arts Degree... For the rest of my life, I will fondly remember being done forever with Pikes Peak Community College. As it was jokingly suggested at the after-party: I managed to cram two years of study into eight years. Haha! So funny...! NOT! >;o/

The funniest thing about the whole day was one part of the president's speech where he actually --get this-- thanked the parents for their sacrifices! I was laughing so hard that I peed all over the auditorium floor! In reality, my parents are proud of me because I accomplished this myself, without their help. And it wasn't easy. And yes, it took me eight years.

So, where am I headed to next? I would prefer to study at the prestigious Colorado College, but the cost of attending such a school has me clutching the sides of my chair in terror. Unfortunately, there are no full-ride scholarships given to those who have butchered their GPA's by making full-time employment their first priority ever since high school.

Needless to say, someone like me, who loves to learn and dreams of scholarly pursuits, really needs to have a Bachelor's Degree in order to get away from a demeaning future in the service industry. But how does a high school dropout do this in a timely manner at my age? While married? With a mortgage among other bills? In addition to starting a family??

There are many theories on this. I could give myself to the military... or demand that my husband take on a second job... I supposed I could start saying I'm black and demand a full-ride from UNCF... But let's face it -- none of these options are ME! Then, how shall I pay for this endeavor? How do others in my financial situation do it? I refuse to cram two more years of study into another eight.

It is now time for the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT (are you ready for this?): Education is my first priority. That means I am determined to become a "traditional student" in order to get a Bachelor's Degree in three years or less. Here is my plan:

1. I can attend The University of Colorado for 10% of the cost of attending Fancy Schmancy Colorado College. Which is good -- because I didn't want to go to CC anyway. Those people are snobs.
2. I have chosen to enroll in Spanish, a recession-proof major that will open doors in all fields of work.
3. I will go with the teaching option, and begin to force my love of learning onto the kiddies.
4. Here is the scariest part: I will quit working a job [gasp!!!] so I can focus on my education. Going into debt is always scary... but the whole idea of debt is to worry about it later, right?!

The goal here is to approach my education as I have been treating my job. I have a tremendous work-ethic. By never calling in sick or being tardy, by always doing what's expected of me with a smile on my face, I have charmed my employers for 13 years (that's half of my life, by the way). Yes folks, since I was 13 years old, I have been focusing 100% on making money to pay immediate bills. And for the next three years, things are gonna change! I am about to make the biggest lifestyle change of my 26 years out of respect for the future me, in order to earn that BA Degree and secure employment doing something I really love.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The City Lights

Here is the promised view of Colorado Springs from the road leading up to our home.

The unlit areas in the right and left foreground are the two largest city parks: Red Rock Canyon Open Space (to the right) and The Garden of the Gods Park (to the left).