Friday, May 29, 2009

Rocky Mountain Springtime

We've gotten a lot of rain lately. Last week, almost every day it rained (and it's sprinkling a little right now, actually). As a result, the ground is becoming greener by the day.

This picture was taken while on a hike up yonder hill. My camera takes really good closeups. These tiny plants are growing out of a cut tree stump by a creek.

Another image from the same hike. The meadows are filling out nicely.

My husband looks so handsome getting ready for work.

The waterfalls are the most humid places around here. This one is the same waterfall pictured here just 2 months ago.

I'm working on building a garden bed in the front of our house.

I've planted Columbines,

And Cat Nip.

This is what it looks like today:

I've scattered wildflower seeds and lined the border with treasures found on our hikes. We have a very short growing season up here, so I'm experimenting this year.


  1. Great pictures Maria! I'm loving all the green from the rain too!

  2. Those are beautiful! I love the close-up photos of the tiny plants.
