Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day 1 / Week 1

Cool Running has this plan to get beginner runners out of the house and onto the road.

By the end of 9 weeks, after following the plan, you should be able to jog for 3 miles (5k). Today, I jumped in and completed the First Workout of Week 1: alternating states of very brisk walking and very slow jogging for 20 minutes.

I knew I had to go for it today because if I didn’t start today, I’d have to start tomorrow. As FLY Lady continually suggests, it’s never too late to jump in RIGHT NOW! I am trying not to be a perfectionist but it is SO HARD!

I have learned so much from FLY Lady. (F-inally L-oving Y-ourself)

I spent a good amount of time stretching (because in the past, jogging has injured me horribly), I reset and recharged my iPod, downloaded and synced Robert Ullrey’s “Couch to 5k” Running Podcast , washed a bottle and filled it with cool tap water… and… I WAS OFF!

I live in a hilly community at 9000 feet above sea level. But, nevertheless, I lugged my 200 pounds up and down these hills alternating between very brisk walking and very slow jogging.

I actually had sweat pouring down my face for the first time in my life!!!

My Exercise Diary for today now shows 14 minutes of very brisk walking, and 6 minutes of jogging.

I couldn't feel more proud of myself.


  1. That's awesome! It's so hard to be motivated to get on an exercise program. I am always stuggling with that! Good for you!

  2. That IS really awesome! Good luck with your jogging goals.
