I don't feel very well. My nose is leaking and my belly feels queasy. I've got a slight headache and chills. But I don't wanna lie down and rest. I wanna go shopping! Let's get ready for the winter season! Let's drape afghans and throws all over the couches! Get a warm colored table cloth or a runner, and put a big rug on the floor! How about a soft lamp for a glowy effect? Oh boy, I've gotta go back to the bathroom...
Okay, I’m back.
Whatever bug I've got, it's probably from the girl who sits next to me in Anthropology class, or the girl who sits next to me in Spanish class, or any number of kids who are sniffling and blowing their noses and sneezing and spreading their germs all over campus. It's really gross. But I kinda hope it's the swine flu, just because that would be so sensational, wouldn't it? Headlines all over the world would read: COLORADO UNIVERSITY QUARANTINED CLASSES SUSPENDED. Yea!
On a serious turn, this is my Hundredth post! Yay, me! I will celebrate my success with another cup of tea. Oh, what the heck, I'm gonna light a candle to honor myself. Or better yet, I'm gonna light every candle in the house! Then, I'm gonna build a fire and sit in my rocking chair and watch the birds outside. Maybe after drinking this chicken broth and white plum tea I will feel like doing something calmingly productive. Like draw pictures or something.
Photograph from NY Public Library
Photograph from NY Public Library
Sorry to burst your bubble, but the swine flu is so prevalant now in children that most doctors don't even test for it, they just send you home and say stay home a few extra days, if you're lucky you get tami-flu. Other than that it is only slightly yuckier than the regular flu. Of course the media doesn't tell you that! Sorry to be there barrer of bad news, no quarantine for you! Hope you feel better soon!