Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Spring Break 2010

I had a very lazy Spring Break, although I was able to get some things accomplished.
  • Filed 2009 Taxes
  • Completed Census 2010
  • Filed 2010-2011 FAFSA
  • Watched seasons 1 and 2 of Lost (TV series)
  • Cataloged slides for the Heller collection
  • Committed to Guatemala Field Studies trip 
  • Helped my family work in my grandparents' yard
  • Mailed several letters
  • Read half of To The Mountain and Back: The Mysteries of Guatemalan Highland Family Life
  • Made a list of books I want to read in my life
  • Purchased airline tickets to Costa Rica 
  • Worked on 2 research papers 
  • Practiced cardio-boxing
  • Reviewed Spanish vocabulary
  • Began making arrangements for Beirut

It snowed almost every day.  This is what the view from our front window was for most of the past week:


  1. Sounds like a great spring break to me! That snow is awesome! I wish I could come play in your snow!

  2. I'm sure the birdies are so happy you are keeping them fed!!
