Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Soiled Adult Diapers

On my day off I'm relaxing on the couch and watching an episode of Hoarders, an episode about a woman who used diapers and filled her small bathroom with them for two years instead of having the toilet repaired. Naturally, I'm wondering some things as we continue searching for real estate. Would we be able to tell if a bathroom was once filled to the brim with soiled adult diapers? If feces and urine ate through the bathroom floor, would we know it? Would it make a difference in our buying decision if we knew that the previous occupant tied herself to a medical toilet in her kitchen where she slept each night?


  1. Really?

    How crazy!

    It would probably make a difference for me unless I knew I could remove all evidences of the bizarre behavior.

    But then again, it's not the house's fault!

  2. I’ve learned a lot from your blog here, Keep on going, my friend, I will keep an eye on it,
