Sunday, August 26, 2012

Bread, I miss you already.

A friend of mine has an affectionate nickname for me.  It's "Cheese."  I thought it was a little strange and wondered where it came from, that perhaps I seemed like a cheesy person, so I asked her why she chose to call me that.  She explained that since she became a vegan she really misses some of her old favorite foods, like cheese.  So it really is a nickname bestowed with love.  I feel pretty lucky because she calls another friend "Chicken."

Ever since I adopted the Paleo diet and stopped eating dairy and grains, my chronic pain has pretty much disappeared.  At first I couldn't believe it.  Suffering from chronic pain has been my life for so many years that I found creative ways to forget about it or pretend it wasn't happening.  Now my mind feels so rested that I don't have to concentrate on ignoring the pain.  I have energy that I didn't have before, and for the first time in a long time I am not taking daily ibuprofen.

So, I'm thinking about calling up my friend and bestowing upon her the name of "Bread."

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