Sunday, January 5, 2014

Winter Break 2013/14

This is the first time I've posted with my mobile phone, so it's an experiment!

My Sis and nephew took a plane ride from sunny California to wintry Ohi' just to spend time with us. Nephew made his first snowman and snow angel. Sis and I have been crafting up a storm. We visited with Dusty's family and played Settlers of Catan and acted silly in proper Bishop style. Nephew drove the golf cart at the state park. 

Overall it's been cold outside so we've spent the days visiting, watching Nemo and Curious George, making things out of string, cooking yummy vegan foods, keeping the cookie jar full, and playing with Mingy (because he is wherever there is string).

Pictures: I made macrame owls and plant hanger; Sis crocheted a purse and now working on shrug; mural and pumpkin water tower are in Circleville; topiary garden in Columbus; husband and his family being silly in wigs and helmet; Sis ready for deep sea diving; visiting Dusty's job.

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