Sunday, July 12, 2015

I love my family

Our home has gained four people this year, and I am so happy it has!

My Calling

The universe has called me to be a teacher. I HAVE FOUND MY VOCATION and it feels so good to say it. The revelation came last school year when I worked as a substitute teacher. It was the best job I'd ever had the pleasure to do, and it was so fun I couldn't believe I was getting paid. It felt natural! For the first time in 19 years of employment I couldn't wait to go to work.

It took quite a while, as you can see herehere, and here, to find what I was supposed to do. I marveled at the mystery of how others just knew it, declared it, got the training, and found themselves doing the thing they had always wanted to do. Many times I believed there was no calling for me. Anguishing in unfulfilling jobs for years paid my bills but did nothing to help me find my dream job.

But I did always know that I had to be in school and that's why I never gave up working to get my degrees: an Associate of Arts Degree from Pikes Peak Community College in 2009, and a Bachelor of Arts Degree from The Ohio State University in 2013. My BA allowed me to get a substitute teaching license, which I got in 2015 after my husband had been encouraging me for awhile. And after my first day on the job I knew I was meant to teach.

The next step is to get a license to teach my own classroom. I've researched three different pathways available to me and decided to pursue a MEd with licensure. It will take a few more years but I will be subbing until then and I will be happy. I am happy.