Thursday, October 2, 2008

Kitties Misbehavin'

It's finally that time of year again, when the kitties begin accusing us of bad parenting.

Kitties: "Open the door! We wanna go play!"

Us: {Opening the door} "Okay, go have fun!"

Kitties: "But we wanna come and go as we please just like we did all summer! Don't just stand there, leave the door open and walk away!"

Us: "But look at all of those leaves on the ground. It's too cold to leave the door open!"

Kitties: "But we want to go play!"

Us: "So go out there and play!"

Kitties: {Refusing to exit} "I will go outside in a minute. Just leave that door open while you go back to what you were doing."

Us: {Knowing it's pointless to argue with kitties} "No way! I'm not leaving this door wide open, so you have to choose right here and now if you really want to go outside."

Kitties: "Well fine. I refuse to leave the house, if you're gonna be that way about it."

Us: {Closing the door} "Well fine. I will go back to what I was doing."

And Repeat.

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