Saturday, October 25, 2008

We will be reunited!

I spoke to all three of my sisters tonight! Since they've moved away from Colorado, it doesn't happen very often (it actually never happens) that I get to hear from each sister within a few hours.

One sister is in town temporarily, and she stopped by my workplace with her husband and adorable little sleepy son. It was so good to reconnect, to see how they are doing, and to share our philosophies and plans for the future. I'm so happy they plan on staying in town through the Holidays!

Another sister called me from San Diego where she is stationed with the U.S. Navy. We talked about what she was doing with her Saturday night off base (watching caged fighting of all things) and then we excitedly reminded each other that she will be coming home for Christmas!

The sister in Houston got off work late and logged on to GMail's Chat feature, a tradition we have shared for quite some time now. We confabulated on the upcoming election, the inevitable NAU, and our career plans. We really enjoy dry political discussions!

I have the smartest, prettiest sisters. I've really missed having them around. And this Christmas, we four will be together for the first time in ...a really long time!

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