Thursday, June 18, 2009

House History

We have been told that our home served as a company cabin for many years.

I have reason to believe this picture is of our home under construction in the 1950s. According to our neighbor who was involved in the development of the Park, ours was among the first structures built in Crystal Park.

I borrowed this picture from a .ppt file I found in Internet-land created by an unnamed author. I suspect she is the descendant of an early developer of Crystal Park.

This is the link to open her PowerPoint presentation on the geology of the Park.

The following photos were taken a few months ago, when it was still snowy up here.

The front of the home faces South.

The shady North side is the back of the home.

Shed in the backyard is not pretty but it's functional.

This deck spans the East side of the home.

View from the road side, looking up at our home through the snow-covered trees.

There is a very specific reason why we were able to pay $77,000 for a $145,000 home in Crystal Park. I will let you read why for yourself by clicking here

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