There are some things I have trouble talking about. For example, my husband loves to talk about the military, and when he does my head sort of gets a little fuzzy. I keep telling him to start a blog so that he can share his thoughts with people other than me, while I try to listen, I really do try! It's just that I am more interested in the old buildings that are smashed to pieces in a bomb raid and the lives of the townspeople who survive it than the make and model of the plane that dropped the bomb, or the formation of the bomber squad... The same thing happens when I go on a rant about my plans for the house, how we're gonna dig a basement for my workshop, and raise the roof and install a loft, and erect a garage and a greenhouse... his eyes just sort of glaze over.
And then there are my most beloved favorites, the subjects of politics and religion, two things I will go on and on about, much to the discomfort of nearly everyone in the room, except for my immediate family members who either agree with my ideas, or love me despite our differences. After all, it was my family who gave me this passion. We are all history geeks. My dad prefers to read the original works by our Founding Fathers rather than someone's modern day interpretation. My mom is writing her third book on our family history. I volunteered 6 summers of my childhood to a living history site. The past just comes naturally, feels right, makes everything today make sense.
Politics and Religion are deeply rooted in history. Human society has found the need to create and recreate doctrines and laws many times over. Need I bring up the American Revolution, the Church overruling limbo for babies, or the Civil Rights Movement? As individual circumstances change, many people find the need to change their position, hoping that others will follow and that circumstances will become better (or worse... ) for larger numbers of people. I tried to warn you that I'm kinda long-winded about this stuff, but I'm just trying to say that today's beliefs descend from a combination of ancient thought and changes between then and now.
So, because beliefs evolve to take on what matters immediately, I am interested in striking up conversations. Let's talk about everything! I really think we should care about the thoughts of others, because those thoughts might need a little stoking before they become the next greatest ideas in human history.
I am constantly amazed at how intelligent you are. I once was your teacher, now you are mine. I just finished reading your September blogs. I had not realized you had managed to write so much. I thought I was keeping up with them and was surprised to find so many I had not yet read. I am very proud to say that the smart girl who writes the blogs on this site is my daughter.