Saturday, January 23, 2010

Did she ever get that bookcase built?

My bookcase project was indeed finished in time.  I started placing books on the shelves the day before Spring Semester.  However, in the excitement that followed the first week of school, I didn't have much time to spend arranging the books how I want them.  I will be posting photos as soon as the bookshelves are presentable, but for now I want there to be proof that the bookcase is done, so here is one of the latest pictures.  (Please ignore the laundry at the bottom of the picture.)


  1. It's beautiful, Maria! You did an amazing job! It looks perfect for all those heavy text books. All of the shelves (except the very bottom shelf) in our basement bookcase sag under the weight of our text books. Yours look sturdy and beautiful. Have a great semester!

  2. Amazing! Those are WONDERFUL, Maria! I am so impressed that you did that yourself! Someday we'll have to remedy our book housing situation the same way!

  3. Oh Maria, I am so proud of you. What an amazing accomplishment. I'm so glad that you are not afraid to try ANYthing--an adventurer like your grandmama. I can't wait for Papa to see these the next time we go to your house for potluck!

  4. This turned out so Awesome - can't wait to see it on the 21st.

    Love, Mom
