Friday, January 15, 2010

Will I finish in time??

Last night I had a terrible dream that I finished the bookcase project, then stepped back to take a look at my hard work, and saw with horror that my bookcase was put together with such sloppy workmanship that nails were jutting out, corners were mismatched and jagged, there were huge gaps instead of smoothly sanded joints, and the books were tottering off the shelves.  

This whole being-sick nonsense is just not fair.  Spring Semester begins in 4 days and I have a lot of work to do before then.

I pulled myself together yesterday to go outside and spray paint in the sunshine and fresh air.  I had to change the color of these bright white tracks into something that would better match the stain I'm using on the bookcase.

MUCH better! No more stark nakedness.

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