Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Bookcase Chronicles

I took a day off to socialize with my Mom and with my friend Jeff, and the next day I only worked a half-day so we could go have dinner with Dusty's family.  It is important to spend time away from work now and then.

THEN.......... I had to stop working on my project for 2 full days due to illness.  I have no idea what hit me.  It came and went so fast and so fierce that I didn't have time to blink.   Symptoms included: chapped lips, sinus related headache, runny nose, sneezing, right ear ache, right molar aches, swollen right lymph node, sore throat, sore down right side of neck and into shoulder blade, and just when I thought I was getting better I had the worst case of heartburn in my life that prevented me from sleeping through the night.

I'm better now, though.  And I'm ready to get back to work. 

This is what the first coat of stain was looking like before I got sick (and I will keep updating as progression occurs):

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