Thursday, September 9, 2010

The moon lives in Idaho.

It turns out that the moon is in Idaho. And it is teaming with life! 

The following photos were taken over Labor Day weekend at the Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve in central Idaho. Dusty and his roommate, Kwame, and I made sure to exhaust ourselves here for eight hours in the heat and sun with too little water and no food. 

Apparently I wasn't hallucinating because the photos came out beautifully.


  1. That looks like a fun spot to explore! And I'm sure it was great to have some time with Dusty!

  2. Yes, it was wonderful to be with Dusty. I miss him even more now!

    I had no idea there was such recent geologic activity in Idaho. We were all very curious to explore the area. It's definitely a place to see! :)
