Monday, February 28, 2011

My Home Sweet Home, In a Few Photographs

I found these photos while transferring my digital files to discs. I am a little homesick for Colorado!

The fishing pond in Crystal Park, September 2010
Skaguay Reservoir, September 2010 (went fishin' with my Dad that day)
The west side of Pikes Peak, September 2010
On a dreamy night in December, 2010
Pikes Peak gracing the center of the Front Range, May 2010


  1. Oh Maria, these pictures are gorgeous. I love your camera and your artistic eye!

  2. Genie says: these are gorgeous.

    I took informal portrait shots of my friend Carol recently for e-harmony senior - turned out good but bait hasn't helped yet.

    How do I get on to blog with you?

    Love, Grammy
