Friday, August 19, 2011

A Hundred Pound Sack

Three years it took for me to gain this weight. Three years, a hundred pounds, and a lifetime of denying my food addiction, which is simply an unhealthy emotionally-charged habit goaded by a low opinion of myself. But today, as I choose to publish these words, I am admitting that I have a problem. And I won't stop at admission. No, I will not stop at this door because I can see beyond: a future where I can be comfortable in my skin, run a mile and not stop, hike a mountain and not be winded, feel satisfied with myself and pleased with the work I've done. Three years of binge-eating and sedentary living, a long-term habit based on a lifetime of worries, it will not be easy but I know I can succeed in turning the other cheek. It is not too late! For me!

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1 comment:

  1. You are a beautiful and wonderful person Maria! You can do whatever you set out to do!
