Tuesday, September 20, 2011

After a Month

Here are some things I have noticed after just four weeks of honest and consistent exercise and portion control:

  • resting heart rate went from 84 to 62
  • balance, flexibility, and dexterity have improved dramatically
  • went from 1-minute to 3-minute jogging intervals 
  • lost 5 pounds
  • mood is improved as I continue to set goals and accomplish them one at a time
Here is my program: 
  • American Diabetes Association carbohydrate-counting plan for weight loss
  • 60 minute workouts 3 times per week, with any variation of the following: 
    • workout at the YMCA for 1 hour = 30 minutes on stationary bike + 30 minutes on treadmill
    • sixty minutes of aerobics with Gilad on my TV
    • an hour out on the trail with my camera

Photos from the Trail

There is a beautiful state park where I go sometimes to run, and it's just 10 minutes from Circleville. The packed dirt trail is a 5-mile loop around Hargus Lake. It was a relaxed workout today, with camera strap secured to my wrist, for opportunities like these:

photos taken with my Canon PowerShot A490

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Training for my first 5k run/walk

Here is the link to view the website where I registered to run/walk my first 5k event!!! I'm super excited... Now I have a date to look forward to as I train my body and mind. This is the greatest thing I can do for myself, to combat my PCOS, to reduce my risks for Diabetes and Heart Disease, and to stop my thighs from rubbing together.

Late Summer Wildlife

photos taken with my Nikon Coolpix L110

Toss's Shoe Fetish

Well, we don't understand Toss's new shoe fetish...

But it's cute!

top photo taken with my Canon PowerShot A490

bottom 3 photos taken with my Nikon Coolpix L110

Sunday, September 4, 2011


I've always been jealous of people who run because I saw the benefits of running and I wanted to call myself a runner. But I always made excuses for myself, and never pursued the idea very long.

For several months I have taken the necessary time to seek therapy for depression, to heal myself, to nurture my mind, and to learn self-acceptance. Then two weeks ago I was finally willing to just start running, no matter how high my fat bounced, or how soon I lost my breath. Two weeks ago I started using the treadmills at the YMCA. I've lost 5 pounds since then.

Weight loss is very important to me, but I also want to build up my strength and endurance because running is, to me, more like a mental discipline and less like a sport. I'm not an athlete (or am I)? However, I'm looking for a 5K to sign up for, just for fun, and as a way to prove to myself that I can do it - a challenge, a goal, a finish line to aim for. I'm taking it slow and gradually getting better, because that's what being a runner is, I think. A runner knows her body, knows her limits and knows when to push, and when to let go.

Last night I downloaded this book: Runner's World Complete Book of Women's Running from Amazon.com and started learning things about running that I wouldn't know because I really am a total newbie. I had no idea that there were shoes designed for different types of feet, or that women were once discouraged from running because it was thought that her uterus would fall out. Now that's hysterical!