Saturday, June 16, 2012

2012 Goals; Midway Update

Wow, I've been away a long time.  I seem to only come back here to update my lists.  How I love lists. Speaking of lists, I've begun indexing the 1940 U.S. Census.  I do it for fun, and you can do it, too!  Just visit for more info.  Meanwhile... I've updated my Goals for this year.

  1. post these goals on my blog (January 1)
  2. give an update after my birthday (June 16)
  3. give a final report at the end of the year
  4. write as many blog posts as I wrote last year (3/44)
  5. begin a regular exercise program 
  6. plant a flower garden
  7. plant a veggie garden
  8. build a snowman  
  9. fly a kite
  10. carve a jack o'lantern
  11. read 12 books
  12. go on a day-hike of 5+ miles 
  13. visit a zoo 
  14. visit an art museum 
    • Columbus Museum of Art (January 5) 
    • Contemporary Arts Center of Cincinnati (January 16)
    • Wexner Center for the Arts (June 14)
  15. visit an aquarium  (April)
  16. finish painting the bathroom 
  17. unpack all of our boxes 
  18. put a guest bed in the guest room 
  19. bake goodies and give them away for no particular reason 
  20. donate to NPR 
  21. pick another borrower to lend to on 
  22. buy or rent a canoe and take it out on a lake (and tip it!)
  23. join a club at school 
    • English Language Partnership Program
    • Women's Glee Club
    • Adopt-A-School
  24. take a road trip to Niagara Falls and cross the border into Canada for the first time
  25. visit my beloved Colorado (May 24 - 29)
  26. play on the beach (any beach!)
  27. mail four unexpected letters/cards
  28. visit five unique parks, museums, historical sites, etc. 
    • Columbus Museum of Art (January 5) 
    • Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati (January 16) 
    • The Topiary Park, Columbus (January 17)
    • Garden of the Gods (May 25)
    • Wexner Center for the Arts (June 14)
  29. go camping
  30. volunteer 25 hours (27/25)
    • 10 hours as a Classroom Assistant, tutoring 7th Grade English
    • 17 hours as the Match Grant Intern at World Relief Columbus, assisting refugees with job readiness training and placement
  31. enter a photo contest
  32. attend an American Indian gathering 
  33. add five counties to my list of U.S. counties visited
  34. complete 12 courses at OSU (9/12)
    • Music Cultures of the World 
    • Women's Glee Club (x2)
    • Phonetics 
    • Intro to Fiction 
    • College Survey 
    • U.S. Colonial Literature
    • British Literature
    • Disability Studies
  35. maintain 3.0+ GPA 
  36. attend the Circleville Pumpkin Show
  37. preserve some of the harvest to enjoy during the winter 
  38. vote in November elections
  39. complete all Christmas shopping by November 30th
  40. decorate the outside of the house with lights for Christmas
  41. mail all Christmas presents by December 15th
  42. register for and begin practicing for the GRE  
  43. apply for graduate programs
  44. take the GRE (October 4)

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