Sunday, November 24, 2013

Thankfulness 2013, Days 21-24

November 21- I'm thankful that my kitty cat Wingman (aka Mingy) had a successful castration and seems to be recovering well. Even though I postponed it way too long because I didn't want him to go through it. And even though I continued postponing it after he started claiming things in the house. He acts like he has forgotten the whole thing, so I am thankful that it is over with and he is back to his normal happy playful cuddly self.

November 22- I'm thankful for friends and impromptu lunches.

November 23- I'm thankful that I've finished all but one final paper. Yes! Hooray for winter break!

November 24- I'm thankful for electricity and fuel and for all of the devices and appliances I use every single day. Most of the time I forget how lucky I am to have these things that make life so easy. Because of them I can spend my valuable time going to school, reading, writing, dreaming, planning, and socializing.

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