Saturday, November 30, 2013

Thankfulness 2013, Days 25-30

25 - I'm thankful for my husband. He is a wonderful man and I'm blessed to have him in my life.

26 - I'm thankful my professor canceled class this evening because I appreciated having extra time to pack.

27 - I'm thankful for air travel because I was able to go 1,200 miles in just a few hours. I'm also thankful for the chance to visit my family and my hometown for Thanksgiving. I hadn't spent a holiday with my family in 3 years.

28 - I'm thankful I have a grandmother who loves me and will spend hours talking with me about important things.

29 - I'm thankful for my parents' cabin in the mountains. And that they took me there and led me on a glorious hike to view the scenery. I feel renewed after spending time in the fresh air, listening to the soothing sounds of nature, talking with them, sleeping until I was fully rested, going without my phone and internet for a little while. I loved every second of it.

30 - I'm thankful for the way in which I experience music. It's a kind of magic.

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