Thursday, January 1, 2015

Why blog?

Hello . . . I haven't blogged in awhile. My blog posts became less frequent because I questioned my intentions as a blogger. I wondered what I hoped to accomplish here.

I think Facebook took the place of my blog. I found the interface easy, fast, and convenient. I replaced lengthy, thoughtful blog posts with short status updates. I posted all of my photos there instead of here because I could dump hundreds of pictures into an album without worrying about format and presentation. Plus, it feels good to get quick feedback from friends and family. Not everyone has the time or desire to read blogs, but almost everyone I know who has an Internet presence is easily reached through Facebook. I enjoy tagging photos and checking into places, and I like the satisfaction of receiving likes and comments. Blogging never gave me the same feeling of community. So, that's why I've been asking myself why I'd want to continue my blog.

I really liked blogging. I remember that. It was fun to practice my writing skills. I liked talking about my ideas and sharing my discoveries. I'd like to continue that.

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