Tuesday, February 17, 2015

I'm a Substitute Teacher

I resigned from being a shift manager at Subway. It wasn't a bad job but I wasn't happy doing it. I miss my coworkers and my customers, but I never enjoyed handling meat products all the time (I'm still a vegetarian). Plus, I would always hurt myself lifting heavy things and pushing myself to work faster, and came home sore and smelling like sour sandwiches. Yuck!

One of my goals this year was to get a substitute teaching license, which I did within the first few weeks of 2015. I am now licensed in Ohio to substitute teach in any subject and any grade. For long term assignments I can teach social studies and humanities to grades 7-12.

When I became licensed, I started getting early morning job offers every school day. If I was scheduled at Subway that day I had to decline the offer to substitute teach. It soon became frustrating that so often I would decline a teaching job so I could work for less pay doing something I didn't really like. Soon I decided to quit working at Subway and pursue substitute teaching full time. I left a job making subs so I could be a sub instead.

And that's how I became a substitute teacher.

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