Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Teaching Young Girls About Beauty

I'm undeniably a Pumpkin Show fanatic.  Today was the first of the four-day festival, and so of course we were there.  There are parades, like, every single day.  Who cannot be in love with a pumpkin themed festival with daily parades?  There is a LOT to love about Pumpkin Show, but there is one thing I dislike.  The pageants.

Today's parade featured 16 high school marching bands (which I LOVED to pieces).  Each band was separated by little girls dressed up like beauty queens riding on the hoods of cars.  There were over a hundred contestants.  The reactions of people in the crowd were "awwww" and "how adorable!"  I get it.  It's supposed to be cute.  I guess I wouldn't have such a problem with it if everyone came out a winner.  But, there is only one girl who gets the Little Miss Pumpkin Show title.  And the overall theme of this whole debacle is objectifying females.  This is what we teach the new generation!

Aside from this, I will never, ever criticize anything about Pumpkin Show.  I promise.

1 comment:

  1. I would love to see Pumpkin Show some day. And I totally agree with your thoughts regarding tiny beauty pageant contestants. Society places too much value on outward beauty and dictates what is beautiful and what is not. This is all the more reason to learn how to be satisfied with who we are--as long as we are striving to be a good person.
