Monday, February 3, 2014

Tragic Game

I honestly don't care about football, don't even know the rules of the game. But I was pretty excited for last night because the Broncos are Colorado's team! So I made some special blue and orange cupcakes and wore my Broncos shirt (I only bought it because I was homesick). We went to my dad-in-law's and we settled in for a Superbowl party. I don't know enough about football to follow the plays, but I knew the Broncos were bummed for most of the game. And it made me sad to see their faces. So very sad that I cried for them. What a tragic game. We are told that if we work and try hard we can succeed at anything. But working hard isn't enough. There is always an element of chance, and that doesn't make it into our U.S. primary school lessons.

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